I'm just a guy with some ham equipment and a General Class license. But I have plans.

The shack at this time consists of a Yaesu FT1000 200W transciever, an MFJ 1798 multiband antenna and few cheap laptops, plus assorted test equipment (Tektronix R7844 scope, MFJ antenna analyzer, BK Precision pwr sup, usw....) I'm still learning cw; get back to me n a month or two. I have yet to make any contacts. I addictively listen to WWV / WWVH late at night. Sometimes I hear numbers stations. I see dead people. One night I was working 40m and there was a lot of weak, strangely articulated cw coming in and out, and I just closed my eyes and listened. When I awoke from my somnolence, the main VFO displayed Klingon numerals and I was picking up DX from the Democratic Republic of Congo, ca 1832, via extraterrestrial meta-repeaters. MADE YOU LOOK!

Propogation over the Imperial valley is interesting. If you'd like to schedule QSO, get in touch, especially if you're a like-minded surrealist horror fiction buff listening for traces of ancient Lovecraftian civilizations in the hash and don't mind verbose comm at 5wpm or slower.

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